

I have my first follower! Thanks for being here & supporting me through this. Todays been
a pretty good day. I was really looking forward to sleeping in this morning but at about
8:30am I hear a knock at my door & it's my mother wanting me to go to IKEA
with her. UGH!!! I love you mom, but why couldn't I have just slept in?! It's
 all good though. It was fun, kinda like a mini day out. So it's almost noon
& so far all I've had today were four lifesavers (60) & I'm not planning
on having any more than that today. While we were at IKEA my
mom kept asking me if I wanted a cinnamon roll....I told her
  that I was on a diet & it really wouldn't be the best thing
for me to be eating. End of story, no questions asked.
:) Now all I have to do is make it through this first
week & I'll be so happy with myself. It is a
pretty nice day today so I decided to
make a bold move & wear shorts. I
was nervous but I did it. My legs
are so fucking fat, it's
ridiculous! But I'm
trying to gain a
little bit more

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