
Rainy Day

My weekend was pretty good, I went to the movies & partied it up at my brothers house.
I was worried about my diet getting out of hand for this week because I was supposed
to go to my friend's house but plans have changed & I get to stay home for the next
few weeks. I'm so happy about that because noone will interfear with my eating!
Or I should say...not eating. I tried the ABC diet & to tell you the truth, I can't
do a diet like that. It's much easier for me to just not eat anything. So that's
what I'm doing. Pretty much. Todays I only had a little piece of chocolate
(80) just so I could get some sugar in me. Tonight I'm going to the gym
to work it off, & then some. I need to find a job right now so I'm
thinking of walking to the little coffee shop around the corner of
my house to fill out an application. Getting out & going on a
mini walk will do me some good. It's been raining here
since I woke up so it's a good thing the coffee shop
isn't that far away. :) Hmmm, I see that I have two
more followers! Thank you for being here for
me! Even though you may not know it,
you're really helping me get through
this & through my days. You're
very much  appreciated!!
I hope you all have a
great day & thank
you for reading.

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