
I'm Back!

"The greatest battle is not physical but psychological. The demons telling us to give up when we push ourselves to the limit can never be silenced for good. They must always be answered by the quiet the steady dignity that simply refuses to give in. Courage. We all suffer. Keep going."

I saw this ^^^ today & I thought it'd be appropriate for my blog. :) I hope you agree.
So...these past couple days have been pretty hecktick. That's why I haven't really
been on lately. & it's also why I haven't really stuck to my diet...:'(. I've been
feeling so guilty about it this entire time, but I couldn't really stick to it
with whats been going on. So I was invited to go spend a couple
week with my best friend & her family & go on vacation. So
I went. It was fun, I went to St. George, UT & Las Vegas,
NV. My best friend would never allow me to not eat
so I really had no other choice. But since today is
sunday night I can start my diet over again
tomorrow & have a fresh start. I can do
it & I know I will. I have a guy whos
interested in me right now :) & all
I can think about is getting down
to my goal weight so he'll be
physically attracted to me.
When I look at myself, I
have no idea how he'd
even want to be with
me period. So I've
got my work
cut out for
me!! ;)