

As we all know, summer is approaching very fast. So I thought you'd like my thinspo,


The Secret

The Secret is a book that I've been reading for the past couple days.
It talks about thinking positive thoughts & by doing this you will attract whatever you
wish to come to you. You have to picture in your mind exactly
what you want, and picture yourself being or having it.
So that's exactly what I've been doing. I've been testing out this

I bet you can only guess what my wish is...

I wrote down my goal weight on a piece of paper
& put it in a place where I'll see it every single day.
I've been staying positive & it's making me feel wonderful.
I keep telling myself I'm going to reach my goal weight by summer.

So I wake up this morning to check my horoscope...this is what it said:

"You are someone who would love to believe in miracles. Aquarius,
but your analytical mind often prohibits you from reaching out
to a higher force when you want or need something.
For the rest of the week and throughout the coming weekend,though,
you may enjoy a few experiences that will change your mindset.
Get ready for an excellent run of good fortune
and a few small miracles.
Hopefully you will accept and embrace what
occurs to you with an open mind
and a good dose of faith."

Is it just coincidence?? I think NOT!

This has gone on for too long

Hello! I'm sorry I haven't been here very much lately.
To tell you the truth, I feel ashamed. I've been eating like
crazy and I didn't know what to say to you guys, but I'm getting
back on the wagon. Please, help! I've fallen off too many times this month.
I'm done.

My inspiration...:)

Thanks to my new followers!! <3


Rainy Day

My weekend was pretty good, I went to the movies & partied it up at my brothers house.
I was worried about my diet getting out of hand for this week because I was supposed
to go to my friend's house but plans have changed & I get to stay home for the next
few weeks. I'm so happy about that because noone will interfear with my eating!
Or I should say...not eating. I tried the ABC diet & to tell you the truth, I can't
do a diet like that. It's much easier for me to just not eat anything. So that's
what I'm doing. Pretty much. Todays I only had a little piece of chocolate
(80) just so I could get some sugar in me. Tonight I'm going to the gym
to work it off, & then some. I need to find a job right now so I'm
thinking of walking to the little coffee shop around the corner of
my house to fill out an application. Getting out & going on a
mini walk will do me some good. It's been raining here
since I woke up so it's a good thing the coffee shop
isn't that far away. :) Hmmm, I see that I have two
more followers! Thank you for being here for
me! Even though you may not know it,
you're really helping me get through
this & through my days. You're
very much  appreciated!!
I hope you all have a
great day & thank
you for reading.




I want someone to love me, is that so much to ask??
How is that gunna happen with me looking &
acting the way that I do. I'm so fucking
shy, & to top it off, I'm a fucking
fat ass. All I ask is for
someone to just care.


So, um, yeah, my life is so fucking out of order & the worst part is... noone knows. I've been thinking about my ex lately....UGH. FML (fuck my life) anyways, heres some thinspo pictures

 If only....


I feel like screaming.
I feel alone.
I feel like crying.
I feel stupid.
I feel like dying.
I feel tired.
I feel weak.
I feel like I belong under a rock where noone can see me or know me.

Sometimes....this is how I feel.


I feel like my life is just one huge secret. There's so much about me that noone knows.
Certain things my parents know, but not other very important people to me. &
then those very important people know stuff about me that my parents &
family don't even know. I can't take it anymore. It's even something
that I can't really say on here...
I've chosen to live this lifestyle knowing that my life has to be one...big...HUGE...
So I guess I just have to deal with it.

Anyways, last night I fell off the wagon & ate a bazillion calories....
I know, I'm a fuck up. Apparently I don't have as much
will power as I thought. But it's ok, my limit for today
is only (300) & I've already had about (200).
Todays a new day & I can do this...
I will do this.


Milk & cookies

I've had a pretty good day today! I've already had my (500) for the day & I'm so very proud of
myself for sticking to this. One of the things that's helping is my parents are out of town for the
next couple days so I don't have them on my back all the time. I'm babysitting my baby
brother while they're gone so getting him his food & handling it but not getting to have
any is making it a little hard but nothing I can't handle. Pretty please help me to
it going. My brothers & cousin are sitting here eating cookies & milk. They
know I'm on a diet & are purposefully waiving it in my face. I have
WILL POWER though & they can't brake me!! ;)


I'm scared...

I fell asleep around 7:30pmish. It was the only thing I could think to do to keep
from thinking about food. & now I'm actually scared to get up for fear that
I'll start thinking about it again, which I already am, & I don't want to
screw up my diet. I've been doing so good today. I hope
tomorrows the same way...or better.

I ran out of calories for the day.

I had four lifesavers (60)
One cup of noodles (290)
Two cookies (160)

My total for today wass supposed to be (500) but I went over by
(10), but I still think that's pretty good. :)

ABC Diet

I think I'll try this for 50 days...

1: 500 calories (or less)
2: 500 calories (or less)
3: 300 calories
4: 400 calories
5: 100 calories
6: 200 caloriies
7: 300 calories
8: 400 calories
9: 500 calories
10: fast
11: 150 calories
12: 200 calories
13: 400 calories
14: 350 calories
15: 250 calories
16: 200 calories
17: fast
18: 200 calories
19: 100 calories
20: fast
21: 300 calories
22: 250 calories
23: 200 calories
24: 150 calories
25: 100 calories
26: 50 calories
27: 100 calories
28: 200 calories
29: 200 calories
30: 300 calories
31: 800
32: fast
33: 250 calories
34: 350 calories
35: 450 calories
36: fast
37: 500 calories
38: 450 calories
39: 400 calories
40: 350 calories
41: 300 calories
42: 250 calories
43: 200 calories
44: 200 calories
45: 250 calories
46: 200 calories
47: 300 calories
48: 200 calories
49: 150 calories
50: fast


I have my first follower! Thanks for being here & supporting me through this. Todays been
a pretty good day. I was really looking forward to sleeping in this morning but at about
8:30am I hear a knock at my door & it's my mother wanting me to go to IKEA
with her. UGH!!! I love you mom, but why couldn't I have just slept in?! It's
 all good though. It was fun, kinda like a mini day out. So it's almost noon
& so far all I've had today were four lifesavers (60) & I'm not planning
on having any more than that today. While we were at IKEA my
mom kept asking me if I wanted a cinnamon roll....I told her
  that I was on a diet & it really wouldn't be the best thing
for me to be eating. End of story, no questions asked.
:) Now all I have to do is make it through this first
week & I'll be so happy with myself. It is a
pretty nice day today so I decided to
make a bold move & wear shorts. I
was nervous but I did it. My legs
are so fucking fat, it's
ridiculous! But I'm
trying to gain a
little bit more


I'm Back!

"The greatest battle is not physical but psychological. The demons telling us to give up when we push ourselves to the limit can never be silenced for good. They must always be answered by the quiet the steady dignity that simply refuses to give in. Courage. We all suffer. Keep going."

I saw this ^^^ today & I thought it'd be appropriate for my blog. :) I hope you agree.
So...these past couple days have been pretty hecktick. That's why I haven't really
been on lately. & it's also why I haven't really stuck to my diet...:'(. I've been
feeling so guilty about it this entire time, but I couldn't really stick to it
with whats been going on. So I was invited to go spend a couple
week with my best friend & her family & go on vacation. So
I went. It was fun, I went to St. George, UT & Las Vegas,
NV. My best friend would never allow me to not eat
so I really had no other choice. But since today is
sunday night I can start my diet over again
tomorrow & have a fresh start. I can do
it & I know I will. I have a guy whos
interested in me right now :) & all
I can think about is getting down
to my goal weight so he'll be
physically attracted to me.
When I look at myself, I
have no idea how he'd
even want to be with
me period. So I've
got my work
cut out for
me!! ;)